United Nations In Silent Awe As Norwich Selectboard Subcommittee Solves Climate Change

NORWICH— A Subcommittee formed by the Town of Norwich Selectboard to tackle the global issue of climate change stunned the international community by announcing a conclusive solution that both scientifically and politically solves an existential problem that has eluded experts from all 193 members of the United Nations since the 1992 Framework Convention on Climate Change.

Having put aside their local responsibilities to keep the streets plowed and municipal finances balanced in order to tackle the worldwide challenge, members of the Committee received accolades from NASA, NOAA, and the Vermont League of Cities and Towns.

The Subcommittee chair was unable to attend the press con- ference as his road had still not been plowed by the Norwich DPW. The Chair noted that not driving that day had in fact reduced his usage of fossil fuels, but it was becoming a problem as the propane truck was unable to make a delivery.

Frank LipsumCLIMATE